Toshiba satellite L355 Keyboard replacementThis Toshiba satellite L355 laptop had a keyboard failure issue and when customer brought it in, we inquired if there was any fluids spilled on it, because for the most part, keyboards rarely fail. Unless there is some kind of external damage to them, like water spill or perhaps keys being ripped off, etc.

So customer shyly confessed they tried to clean the keyboard by trying to wipe it with the wet rag and apparently wet rag was a little to wet so some water got into the keyboard and caused some keys not to function anymore. so they brought it in for replacement. and we did it in couple of days, because keyboards go by laptop model and are not readily available in los angeles. We usually ship them. After installing new keyboard this Toshiba satellite L355 was working flawlessly and customer was happy.

Best advice on how to clean dirty keyboard is to use the compressed air can and blow it out nicely. you can also flip the laptop upside down and try to shake little objects(like cookie crumbs) out of the keyboard manually. if you flip it upside down though, you must be careful not to bang the screen on anything. so be cautious.

and in some cases we had a client once who used to wash her keyboard in a dishwasher. that is also possible, but after washing it, it must be dried out before using it. so this method is possible but we don’t recommend it. its only for people who are really afraid of germs. 🙂

call us with your specific computer problem and we will help you or give you great advice on how to solve your computer repair problem fast! our number is toll free 877-938-8777