This case of Dell m1330 neat little laptop with 4GB of RAM, 320 GB hard disk space, Intel core duo 2.1GHz processor and the adorable windows vista as operating system, was what-seems to be usual occurrence with windows vista computers.
we are seeing this very often. people call and complain that after an update their vista crashes and computer shows errors on the black screen or blue screen, etc.
this happens due to many reasons. Microsoft windows vista is an out dated opeaating system. Microsoft still creates security updates for it and such, but many computer manufacturers don’t. therefore when you have an update on your vista but your dell does not support it you get a conflict and vista doesn’t know what to do.
so as our customer noted, its how “they” force you to keep up with latest software updates. and that is soft of true. Now windows 8 is coming pretty soon in about 1.5 years, but since it will be based on windows 7, which is essentially pretty good you might not have to worry about going up a notch. it will be an option if you want to.
so back to our scenario. what is best thing to do if your vista crashes? well its best to downgrade to xp. or to upgrade to windows 7. if you run older computer I would go with windows xp. if newer I would go with windows 7. it will be $200 well spent. you will have less problems in the long run. however if you do, there is no need to worry. Just contact us and we will help you repair your computer very quickly!
call us at 877-938-8777 or email us at and we will get back to you shortly with immediate solution to get you back to your work, facebook or whatever is you do on your computer! fastest computer repair in los angeles and chicago areas!