The customer of this dv7 hp laptop was in a way very lucky. Not to mention the broken dc jack that he had to replace, because it was broken. He did get quite lucky in a different way though.
A little bit ago I wrote about another hp laptop also dv7 series that wasn’t working any longer even with dc jack replaced. It was a messy job, because post office didn’t deliver the part on time and we had to order some more of the same part from different suppliers. so we ended up with few extra dc jacks for hp dv7 laptops!
So this turned out a very easy and fast job! We didn’t have to ship the jack, we already had knowledge on how to disassemble hp dv7 laptop. So the turn around on this job was amazing – literally overnight! Our customer was pleasantly surprised to hear next day that his laptop was ready and working fine! and we got ourselves another happy customer!
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and if you have computer or laptop trouble call us 310-775-2397