Fbi virus has struck one of our last customers once again. This time however the story is sad and interesting. Fbi virus is a ransom type of virus. Which hijacks your pc, blocks the internet and literally asks you to pay the ransom to get back on your computer. I don’t know if you would get back on or not if one paid the ransom. I suggest you don’t try.
the way fbi virus asks for the ransom is they block the computer but putting up an image on your screen which accuses you of downloading illegal copyrighted information and then orders you to go to a local cvs, wallgreens to purchase a money pack, which is a gift card that can be loaded with cash. after that intruders ask you to input the moneypack number into the little box on the screen and submit to them. once again. If I was you. I would not do that, if you don’t want to lose the money.
so now back to reality. our last customer has gotten fbi virus, while he had mcafee on. Mind you, we clean viruses with mcafee all the time. so if youre looking to protect your computer from spyware mcafee is not it. honestly. So the story gets more interesting. because the guy called mcafee for support so they can help him clean his computer. After hours on the phone. they (of course) could not help him do anything and told him he needs to reformat his computer. he didn’t have the disks for that, so they told him he needs to buy them from HP and he did.
Afterward they helped him to format the hard drive, without backing his information up and as result he lost some of his files and most importantly quickbooks file with all his business information. and that is really sad to me. I don’t know who hires and employs such incompetent people who can’t even give you proper direction on how to remove simple spyware. Especially if they work for anti-virus company. really sad.
the funny part is: after restoring his pc. with the disks he bought from HP and has deleted his files. Fbi virus got right back in and locked his computer up again. And luckily this time he called overnight pc repair. where we removed fbi virus, and restored his quickbooks file. what a happy ending!
and by the way for those of you who don’t want to get fbi virus again. call us and purchase solid antivirus that we recommend and you won’t have any viruses ever again! call us at 818-532-9333
Most of the time the FBI/DoJ virus slips past most antivirus protection. I’ve done some research and it’s able to get it self on the system using a java exploit. Most installs of this virus could of been prevented by having an up to date java client. Horrible story. It seems good service is fleeting these days. It’s why we are still in business.
I know it’s in your best interested to put the antivirus worker down… but most case scenarios it’s the customer who’s is total idiot and can’t follow simple direction(no offence )
It is our best interest to educate people how to better protect their computers from viruses. and mcafee is definitely our last choice. if a person will pay money for antivirus they may as well purchase something that provides protection like Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 – which is available at Overnight pc Repair- and is protecting many of our existing customers very well. and from hundreds of computer that we cleaned from viruses, mcafee is no better than any of the free antivirus people can download without paying a dime like microsoft security essentials or avast. save your money – stay away from mcafee!