Fbi virus hits again and hits hard! this toshiba our returning customer has brought was attacked by FBI virus. this is a 2nd machine we cleaned this week already. basically if you don’t know yet, FBI virus is also called ransom virus. the way it works, it blocks the computer in the regular windows mode so you can not access anything. it won’t allow you to do control alt delete, or run or any commands. and it asks a person to go to CVS and purchase a money pack usually for $200. after that a person is asked to enter the money pack number into the little box so your computer is unlocked. I personally do not know if it would unlock a computer or not after you pay the ransom. I haven’t met any people who did it yet 🙂 and I suggest you don’t either. better bring it to us and we will clean it out for you.
Also this computer was supposedly protected with mcafee security plus. but somehow spyware by passed it as it usually does and then downloaded a bunch of other stuff onto computer. it was infected pretty badly. there were some zero access rootkit and other trojans present besides the fbi virus. and of course after cleaning, I recommend you get kaspersky internet security to protect yourself from future infections.
call us to get your computer cleaned from any viruses, spyware, rootkits, trojans at 818-532-9333 or come direct to our location at 22641 Ventura bl. Woodland Hills, CA 91364