welcome to before and after ipad 3 repair case study at overnight pc repair pc, laptop, macbook, ipad and cell phone repair shop!!!
this Ipad 3 was brought for repair because it was dropped on the corner. usually when that happens the glass on top breaks. it shatters in the corner where its been dropped onto. Sometimes also the crack spreads all over the top glass and is quite visible.
In most cases, even if it is cracked, the glass still works fine. you can use ipad 3 with no problem and see the picture on the screen clearly. and you can use it like this even with the cracked glass. after a while usually the crack gets bigger and you might even cut your finger on it. so best suggestion is always to take your ipad 3 for repair. Best place to do so, if you live in los angeles, is overnight pc repair. we offer fastest ipad 3 repair in town and for the best price as well! call us at 818-532-9333 or come by our store at 22641 Ventura Boulevard, woodland Hills, CA 91364