if your sms, contacts, pictures have been accidentally deleted. You can now safely recover them if you bring it to overnight pc repair in woodland hills. Like today’s client who synced his iphone 4 on a laptop and next moment find out all his data was deleted.
most importantly he was looking for few text messages with some important information. Then he tried everything, restoring from backup in itunes, looking through folders and recovering data himself, but unsuccessfully. After that he decided to call us, brought his iphone 4 and 3 hours later, we had all his contacts, his text messages (sms), his phone logs, and other information recovered from his iphone4.
I have heard many stories of Itunes somehow deleting everything on the phone. so it is always good idea to back up as often as you can so it doesn’t happen to you. and if it does call overnight pc repair, we will gladly help you!
call us at 818-532-9333 or visit us at 22641 Ventura blvd. Woodland Hills, CA 91364