do you want a powerful custom built gaming pc? call us and we can assemble one for you in no time! you can choose the components or you can have us assemble everything for you. in the picture you see a monster computer that was built for high performance video editing and processing.
here is some specs on this super computer:
it uses Asus Rampage IV Extreme Motherboard, it has 64 GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTX Video Card, 500 GB Samsung Solid State Hard Disk, CPU Water Cooling system and other 1200W Power supply and Intel Extreme 3970 CPU. which really makes it a monster. this machine was tested against the 8 thousand dollar Mac and it literally kicked its ass by being able to render the video and simultaneously have another video editing running at the same time.
if you are into pc performance you definitely need one of these high performance custom pc built for you.
call us now at 818-532-9333 for a free consultation for building custom high performance pc for your home or business that will meet your unique needs whether its for work or gaming.