Windows Xp Support Ended What Is It Mean?

today the almighty Microsoft has ended windows xp support. Forever. and first thing I have noticed is that many many people got really scared. some came into store and wanted to upgrade their computers to windows 7. One person decided to go with Ubuntu Linux. and...

Cryptolocker Virus Is Back – Protect Your Computer

If you are a pc user and  haven’t heard of cryptolocker virus, you better learn about it now. Why, because it is pretty dangerous. maybe it isn’t dangerous in itself, but what cryptolocker virus does sure is pretty damn ugly. what cryptolocker virus does...

What to Do for Water Damage on Macbook Pro?

Water Damage on macbook pro laptop. Hi, I hope you are reading this because of couple reasons. you have had water damage on your macbook pro. and I also hope you are reading this before you take a trip to apple store to see if they can help you. if you take your water...

Akamaihd – Removal

so here is our take on Akamaihd or removal.  I thought it would make for a nice computer repair case study as well as reiterate couple of things I’ve been preaching to people for years now. we got a call from an existing client of ours, she said her...