Recently we had a customer whos imac would not show Yahoo videos in Safari browser. Everything else was working ok. same video would show in chrome browser and other browsers as well. However in safari video would start loading and then it would turn black.

first things we tried was to clean computer up a bit by doing disk permissions repair in disk utility as well as verifying the disk itself, as well as partition on the hard drive. this is good practice for anyone and it helps solve many problems that mac os gets.

This didn’t help though – safari still would not show yahoo videos. Then we tried disabling safari plugins by going into preferences. it appeared there were no plugins enabled. then we tried to reset the browser by selecting reset browser option. that did not help either.

Finally we emptied the cache and voila! yahoo videos started playing in safari like they supposed to. 🙂

persistence is the key in computer repair. don’t give up until you find a solution and thats what makes us at overnight pc repair great! we solve 99% of computer problems we get in contact with.

so if you experience any problems with your pc or mac call us at 818-532-9333 or stop by at our store at 22941 Ventura bl. #G, woodland Hills, CA 91364
